de Cuget Liber Marţi, 09 Iulie 2013 272
Precipitațiile abundente căzute timp de două ore aseară, în comuna constănțeană Rasova, au făcut ravagii. Mai multe locuințe și gospodării au fost inundate. Pompierii de la ISU Constanța au intervenit pentru scoaterea apelor din locuințele inundate.

Dezastrul s-a întâmplat la doar o săptămână de la inundațiile care au făcut prăpăd în satul Cochirleni, ce aparține de comuna Rasova. Atunci apa a săpat gropi adânci de șase metri în drumurile din localitate.


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depending on the tire size and the load being carried by the vehicle. Each tire!?s sidewall usually carries information about the maximum pressure allowable for that tire when carrying its maximum load capacity. That number should never be exceeded. The same information on recommended tire pressure is also often indicated on the door jamb of a vehicle. Cars feature the tire pressure for normal load but trucks feature the maximum load capacity of the tires.It is important to note that if a truck!?s tires are inflated to the maximum when the truck is not loaded to full capacity ケイトスペード 財布 セール

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you alert other drivers to your presence and avoid any accidents from happening. Make sure that your vehicle is well off the road and onto the shoulder so that you do not cause problems for other drivers.Keep a spare tire or donut tire in your trunk at all times as well as a jack so that you can change your tire and get back on the road. Make sure that anyone in your family who drives a car knows how to fix a flat or change a spare tire so that they are never left stranded.It seems that these days クリスチャンルブタン 銀座

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