Concurs EU should chip in money to the Nabucco project, Romanian MEP deems


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Energy projects such as Nabucco, in which Romania is involved through gas operator Transgaz, should be financed from the European budget, according to the Romanian member of European Parliament Daniel Daianu.

The pipeline will traverse several southeastern European countries. Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria and Romania associated in the project, in a move to cut dependency from Russia’s gas. Transgaz is part of Nabucco, together with Botas (Turkey), Bulgargaz (Bulgaria), MOL (Hungary) and OMV (Austria).

Nabucco is a European project on paper, Daianu said, adding there should be "clear will" to finance it from European funds. The MEP prepared a study tackling this aspect as well, which he plans to present on March 18 to the European Commission.

The EU needs a more coherent energy strategy to materialize in projects to be carried out at European level and financed from the bloc’s budget, Daianu said, pointing the goal would be to increase energy security through proper resource management.

Nabucco, the joint project of five countries, four European ones and Turkey, considered an alternative to Russian gas routes and backed by the U.S. as well, is far from being accomplished.

The pipeline, a project released in 2002, should be 3,300 kilometers long and construction works should begin next year and last for three years and are estimated to cost 4.6 billion euros.

However, Russian gas giant Gazprom developed last year the South Stream project focusing on a pipeline to traverse the Black Sea from Russia to Bulgaria and then divide into two, going to Greece and Italy and to Serbia. Costs rose to 10 billion euros.

Taking Hungary on board of the Russian gas pipeline project South Stream is part of Kremlin’s strategy to divide Europe and to force Gazprom’s entry in the EU/U.S. backed Nabucco project, two international energy experts told NewsIn at the end of last month.


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