Concurs Net average salary in Romania slows down growth to 23.3% to 1,248 lei in May, statistics show


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The net average wage in Romania tempered advance to 23.3 percent in May, following Easter bonuses, according to the country’s Statistics Institute (INS).

The salary stood at 1,248 lei (341 euros) a 34 lei drop versus April. In the fourth month of the year the net average salary increased 24.8 percent year-on-year.

In real terms, considering inflation, the salary grew 13.7 percent in May over the same month last year when it stood at 1,012 lei. Compared to October 1990, the net average salary had a purchase power 20.3 percent higher in the fifth month this year, INS showed.

The gross average wage lowered 2.7 percent in May over April to 1,704 lei.

The highest net salaries were paid in May in the financial intermediary sector (3,636 lei), while the lowest were registered in the wood processing industry, except furniture (697 lei).

Wages dropped 20-30 percent in road and water transportation, crude oil and fuel processing, while in transportation and related activities, forestry, radio equipments, television and communication, wages lost 7-14 percent.

Salaries also dropped between 4 and 7 percent in the extractive industry, water distribution, medical equipments, road transportation, postal services and telecommunication.

Wages rose in some sectors due to vacation bonuses and higher production. The net average salary in postal and delivery services went up 14.9 percent and the ones in air transportation sector advanced 12.3 percent. Salaries in tobacco production, health, social services, education, hotels and restaurants increased 1-7 percent.


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