Romanian electricity resources hike 13% in January y/y on output growth, statistics show


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Romania’s electricity resources rose 13 percent in January year-on-year on production growth, while primary electricity resources dropped 4.2 percent, the country’s statistics body INS said in an e-mail today.

The main primary electricity resources totalized 3,563.7 tones of oil equivalent in January this year, dropping 156.2 tones of oil equivalent versus the same period last year.

Domestic output provided 2,191.4 tones of oil equivalent in January, a 6.9 percent year-on-year growth. Import stood at 1,372.3 tones of oil equivalent, 17.8 percent less, according to statistics.

Electricity resources totaled 6,307.7 million KWh, rising by 727.3 million KWh, a 13 percent growth in January this year versus January last year. Resources grew helped by production increase and imports which rose to 667.1 million KWh, a 12.2 percent hike and respectively a 125.8 percent hike to 50.2 million KWh.

Thermal power plants produced 341.6 million KWh less electricity, while hydropower plants provided 504 million KWh more electricity, a 52.8 percent advance and nuclear electric power plants saw a 97.2 percent boost in output to 514.7 million KWh, statistics showed.

The final electricity consumption in January stood at 4,712.2 million KWh, a 6.2 percent increase over January 2007. Street lighting saw a 24.1 percent growth and people’s consumption increased 12.8 percent.

Electricity export hiked 244.6 million KWh in January this year against the same month last year, INS showed. In January, 98.6 percent of the electricity resources were produced in the country, while 1.4 percent came from imports.

About 60 percent of the electricity went to companies, 16.1 to technological consumption in networks, 14.9 to the population, 9.2 percent was exported and 1.3 percent went to street lighting, INS showed.


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