Concurs The Bucharest Stock Exchange starts session in the green, climbs 2% on the power sector


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Indexes on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) saw moderate increases in today's opening session and the power sector advanced 2.03 percent, unaffected yet by the financial crisis which struck Europe this morning.

British lender Bradford & Bingley (B&B) will be nationalized. Its profitable assets will be transferred to the Spanish financial group Santander, while its unprofitable assets will be administered by the state.

Fortis, the largest Belgian financial group, received today 11.2 billion euros from the authorities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, after investors got worried about the bank's economic status.

Liquidity reduced to 1.84 million lei (499,850 euros) today, from 1.85 million lei in the previous session.

The BET index of the ten best companies listed on BSE rose 1.93 percent to 4,606.22 and the BET-C composite index measuring all listed shares minus financial companies gained 1.40 percent to 3,480.61.

The BET-FI index of the financial companies (SIFs) inched 0.15 percent to 27,024.85 and the ROTX index for trading blue-chips in Vienna climbed 1.46 percent to 11,297.88.

The BET-XT index of the 25 most liquid companies went up 1.32 percent to 480.14 and the BET-NG index of the ten power companies hiked 2.03 percent to 654.37.

Bourses in the U.S. closed mixed in the last trading session after the American lender Washington Mutual went bankrupt. This is the largest bankrupt in the history of the U.S. banking industry.

Washington Mutual Inc was closed by the U.S. government and its assets were sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co lender for 1.9 billion U.S. dollars.

The Dow Jones (DJIA) composite index advanced 1.10 percent to 11,143.1 and the S&P 500 index of the best 500 companies on the market added 0.32 percent to 1,213.01. Nasdaq slipped 0.15 percent to 2,183.34.

Shares of Broker Cluj (BRK) were the most liquid, with deals totaling 519,935 lei, and hiked 7.03 percent to 0.35 lei.

Financial company SIF Oltenia (SIF5) idled at 1.39 lei, SIF Moldova (SIF2) remained at 1.32 lei, SIF Transilvania (SIF3) stood still at 0.70 lei and SIF Muntenia (SIF4) maintained at 0.89 lei.

Fertilizer producer Azomures (AZO) climbed 4.27 percent to 0.488 lei.


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