Concurs Constanța, pe podium la "Caravana Dialogului Intercultural"

Cu 45,97 de puncte, echipa Colegiului Național "Mircea cel Bătrân" din Constanța a ocupat locul trei la faza finală a concursului "Caravana dialogului intercultural".
În perioada 6-8 iunie a avut loc la Brașov faza finală a programului itinerant "Caravana dialogului intercultural", program organizat și finanțat de Departamentul pentru Relații Interetnice (DRI) din cadrul Guvernului României. Evenimentul s-a desfășurat în cadrul calendarului participării României la Anul european al dialogului intercultural - 2008.
La faza finală au participat 60 elevi de liceu, 6 cadre didactice, precum și invitați de la Centrul de Consultanță pentru Programe Culturale Europene, Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene în România, Ministerul Educației, Cercetării și Tineretului, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Brașov. Participanții iau venit din cele șase județe implicate în program, printre ele numărându-se și Constanța. Obiectivul pro-gramului a fost legat de tema de anvergură europeană a Anului Dialogul Intercultural și s-a axat pe înțelegerea de către cei tineri a acestui concept, pe cunoașterea unor date generale despre drepturile, tradițiile și cultura minorităților naționale din țara noastră.
Prima etapă a "Caravanei dialogului intercultural" s-a desfășurat sub forma unui concurs cu elevi de liceu din Reșița, Timișoara, Constanța, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca și Suceava.
Etapa finală a programului a inclus patru probe. Participanții au răspuns la un chestionar format din 20 de întrebări pe tematica anunțată, și-au prezentat echipele și tema pusă în discuție, au interpretat o situație de conflict între persoane de culturi diferite încercând totodată să ofere o soluție actuală de rezolvare a conflictului, iar ultima probă a constat în comentarea unui film documentar având ca subiect discriminarea rasială/ etnică.
Prin Caravana dialogului intercultural, organizatorii au dorit să răsplătească interesul tinerilor din rândul minorităților naționale, unii dintre ei potențiali viitori lideri, pentru tematica dialogului intercultural și să sprijine inițiativa formării unor personalități pregătite să contribuie la punerea în valoare a moștenirii lor culturale și la cultivarea dialogului.

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the British design house, will not only stream its women's runway show live from London, but also will allow anyone with a computer and a credit card to order the merchandise as models strut in it. "It's giving the consumer even more inside access than the buyer in the front row," said James Gardner, founder and chief executive of Createthe Group, which is working on the runway live streams for Marc Jacobs and Burberry. "They're able to put the product in their shopping bag, pay with their credit card and check out before the buyer is even finished watching the show and goes to the showroom the next day." Burberry's strategy represents a huge change from the past, when a literal golden ticket was the only way to see its show. The anointed buyers from Barneys, editors from Vogue, actresses like Claire Danes were sent an engraved antique brass entry card. This time, in addition to the online access, 1,500 people will be invited to Burberry stores worldwide, where they will watch the show on highdefinition screens and be able to order merchandise immediately via an iPad app. Polo Ralph Lauren Sale

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Finally the party was dissolved in 1999. In December 2000 the APPD was reestablished in Munich, but did not participate in the Bundestag election of 2002. A sufficient number of signatures were collected for participation in the European election 2004, however these did not arrive because the German Postal Service declined to forward them to party chairman Christoph Grossmann. In the following year, the APPD took place in the Bundestag election of 2005 with little success. As a result, the party split into two parties in 2006 the APPD and the PogoPartei. Both parties plan to run in the next elections for the Bundestag and European Parliament in 2009. Theory of Pogo Anarchism PogoAnarchismus (Pogoanarchism) is often falsely confused with the standard anarchism, but there are more differences than commonalities. The concept of Balkanisation is introduced to split up the country into different parts: "Asoziale ParasitenZonen" (APZ, asocial parasite zone) for pogoanarchists and other asocials, who prefer not to work and rather drink beer. louis vuitton väskor priser

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leaving dissects, in gory detail, the semisadomasochistic affair Julie embarked on after the project was over, and its devastating consequences. Eric also had an affair, and when Julie's repellentsounding lover ended the relationship, she attempted to regain control of her life by becoming an apprentice butcher. So what went wrong? 'It happened for a lot of reasons. Eric and I had been together since I was 18. We hadn't found ourselves as adults. I think the crisis in the marriage was al ready there, and this fellow just popped himself right in it,' she says. It's hard not to see the publication of Cleaving as possibly her most selfish act of all. If poor Eric is embarrassed by his starring role in the rosetinted chickflick, he must be truly mortified by Cleaving, with its lurid descriptions of her affair. Worse may be to come, since Julie is in discussions to turn Cleaving into a film as well. The man must be a saint, I say. 'One of the things that's wonderful about Eric is that he knows that this book is vital to me,' she says. 'He's not thrilled by it, but he's pleased that I'm proud of it.' Has he read it? louis vuitton weekendbag

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I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, but may initiate a long position in KORS over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Anarchist Pogo Party Of Germany APPD The Anarchistic Pogo Party of Germany (APPD German: Anarchistische PogoPartei Deutschlands, or 'APPD') is the selfdeclared party of the Pbel (mob) and "social parasites." It was created in 1981 by two punks in Hannover and took part in the 1998 election to the Bundestag with the promise to pay the voters with free beer. The official communication organ is the paper Armes Deutschland ("Poor Germany"), formerly Asoziale Rundschau ("Asocial News"). The name refers to the punk dance, the Pogo. The party took part in the German federal election, 2005 with their chancellor candidate Wolfgang Wendland, who is also the lead singer of the German punkband "Die Kassierer" ("The Cashiers"). louis vuitton stockholm

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