Ce spune Traian Băsescu despre evenimentele din Ucraina

de Carmen MOCANU Vineri, 21 Februarie 2014 12383
Președintele Traian Băsescu își reafirmă îngrijorarea față de degradarea continuă a situației din Ucraina și reia apelul la adresa omologului ucrainean, Viktor Ianukovici, de a nu folosi armata în reprimarea protestelor din stradă, iar forțele de poliție "să nu recurgă la utilizarea disproporționată a forței împotriva manifestanților". 
"Președintele României, domnul Traian Băsescu, își reafirmă profunda îngrijorare față de degradarea continuă a situației din Ucraina, care a dus la pierderi de vieți omenești, sute de răniți și la destabilizarea majoră a statului ucrainean. Situația actuală poate degenera într-un conflict de proporții cu consecințe greu de anticipat pentru poporul ucrainean și pentru securitatea regională la granița Organizației Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) și a Uniunii Europene. România condamnă folosirea disproporționată a forței împotriva populației și respinge utilizarea violenței pentru atingerea obiectivelor politice", se arată într-un comunicat al Administrației Prezidențiale remis redacției. 
Traian Băsescu face apel, de asemenea, la liderii Opoziției democratice, Vitali Klitschko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk și Oleg Tyahnybok, să se delimiteze de elementele radicale violente și să nu se asocieze unor acte provocatoare la adresa forțelor de ordine. 


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5 mai 2014

successful and was voted the most popular line in the Advertising Hall of Fame . Coined words, puns, jingles and even madeup words (like Louis Vuitton's "Epileather") are also ways to make a tagline stick. Simply being easy to remember isn't enough. Taglines should also build positive brand perceptions through imparting good feelings. Evocative vocabulary is one powerful way to create meaning. Since slogans are made for shorter running advertising campaigns, it is important that they stay relevant to their target market. Taglines, on the other hand, should not strive to be trendy at the risk of sounding dated after a few years. Since a good tagline stands the test of time, it should work across a variety of mediums, functioning like a thread that unifies the stories together. Consistency is crucial: numerous taglines and continual changes confuse consumers and dilute brand equity. H Block, a leading taxpreparation company, flipped between the slogans "America's tax team," "Just plain smart," and its current "Get it Right" in just a few years. The fragmentation risks leaving consumers unable. toms outlet

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so that all we will does could be hold the item until finally finally many people went back meanwhile with the sum.and Duckworth Lewis Was Paul Collingwood right to question the target set for West Indies by the Duckworth Lewis Method? I believe he was right, and it was disappointing that Frank Duckworth dismissed his concerns so readily. Statisticians, and I work with many, have their preferred methods but the best statisticians will always accept that each method has its flaws. Show me a statistician whose first answer to a statistical question is 'it depends . . .' and I'll show you a statistician with wisdom. Here's why Collingwood has three arguments in his favour: 1 The statistical argument: The higher number of data points available, the more reliable any statistical estimate. With only 14 balls bowled by England before the rain set in, the sample was too small to reliably estimate the trajectory of the West Indian innings. Duckworth's argument that those fourteen balls dictated the target exposes the unsuitability of the Duckworth Lewis Method when only a small proportion of an innings, around 10% in this case, has been completed. toms outlet

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Just last week, Saks Inc. announced plans to become the first foreign luxury department store in China, featuring prestige products like those in Saks Fifth Avenue stores in the United States. fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, whose first China store opened here in 2002, now has 40 stores in 23 Chinese cities and plans more. Immediately after launching this year's spring line in New York, Hilfiger flew to Shanghai to showcase the new fashions. "Just in the past couple of years, during the fashion season, you see more shows than in New York!" says Tito Tan, who used to run an eventmanagement company in Shanghai. "But it's not just product launches; it's relaunches, or to let people know a store is open, or because a CEO is in town. Here, if Armani does a fashion show, Gucci has to do one. They'll spend $1 million and invite 1,000 people." Five years ago, buyers from mainland China represented just 1 percent of world sales of luxury handbags and other accessories. Now, the Chinese are the thirdlargest consumers of luxury goods, accounting for more than 12 percent of global sales, according to a study by Goldman Sachs. Ray Ban Aviator Polarized

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How to get it: Arrive home from the salon with your locks piled up in a loose chignon. Choose between the cream Roland Mouret dress you picked up on sale at Harvey Nicks last year or the lace Collette Dinnigan sheath you bought in Sydney. Opt for the black strappy Choos and the overthetop Philip Treacy headpiece. Less is not more when you need to illustrate money's not tight, despite your husband's property developments being put on hold. Flag the gloves that ooze Dior glamour. It's steaming hot today and you're afraid you'll get weird stares like Kate Lynch got on Saturday with her lace gloves, an evident tribute to Madonna. Besides, hubby recently bought that new diamond tennis bracelet for Christmas and you want to wear it and make the girls jealous. Your personal grooming is immaculate thanks to Tatiana's regular manicures, pedicures and fannicures. The date: Your twicemarried husband who fancies himself as the next Mark Hotchin (without the grief). The transport: The Porsche Cayenne. The seating: Join your group at the table on the Cuvee lawn. Mens Ray Ban Sunglasses

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In a sea of similar offerings, consumers notice brands that stand out, and creative taglines help brands differentiate from competitors. Apple's brand rejuvenation in 1997 is one example: to counter flagging sales and a tarnished image, it launched a revolutionary advertising campaign. Its new tagline, "Think Different" was a refreshing spin on IBM's "Think." Rather than trying to compete with the reputation for reliability and trustworthiness of its chief competitor, Apple positioned itself as a dynamic brand with inventive alternatives to the status quo. Meters/bonwe, China's leading casual clothesline brand, uses the line "p8," which roughly translates to "Not walking the conventional road." Mercedes Benz uses "Engineered like no other car in the world." Both taglines work wonders for these companies because they suggest a benefit to consumers who buy their products. Successful taglines not only draw attention, but explain how a product, service, or organization will fulfill the desires and satisfy the needs of customers. What's the point of having a fantastic tagline if no one can remember it? Ray Ban Frames For Men

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however, there is no silver bullet to take out Rexam's traditional foes: all year, the falling dollar, rising energy costs and increasing commodity prices have been sniping at the company's bottom line. But these pressures, surely, were already built into the share price. The stock had fallen 14 per cent between the start of October and Wednesday's close. Why would it tumble a further 16 per cent yesterday on what looked at first glance like minor adjustments to the outlook? Blame the gloomy mood of the market ready to punish even comparatively small amendments to expectations. Most analysts had already discounted a difficult 2007, but they may not have expected 2008 to open under the shadow of higher freight and raw material costs, however wellhedged. As a company, Rexam continues to pour on capital expenditure 300m ($612m) this year, and the same amount next. As a board, directors showed their confidence yesterday by buying the shares at their knockdown price/earnings ratio of between 11 and 12 times forecast earnings for 2008. The shares ought to be attractive to other investors but, for the moment. Wholesale Ray Bans

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