Cine sunt pacienții care au rămas fără medicamente compensate

Cine sunt pacienții care au rămas fără medicamente compensate - dorianion-1390996536.jpg

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Deși, încă de anul trecut, au primit promisiunea că vor avea acces la o nouă serie de medicamente compensate, bolnavii de scleroză multiplă din Constanța sunt încă pe lista de așteptare. În lipsa compensărilor, ei scot din buzunar și câte 2.000 de lei pentru tratament. 

50 dintre cei 200 de bolnavi de scleroză multiplă din Constanța sunt prinși într-o situație extrem de dificilă, deși boala evoluează cu fiecare zi, iar viața lor depinde de tratament. Pentru a beneficia de medicamentele de care sunt dependenți, ei trebuie să ajungă la unul dintre cele 10 centre din țară, în lipsa unuia din oraș. "Situația este din ce în ce mai dificilă, pentru că, în Constanța, nu suntem în evidențele niciunui spital sau medic. Pentru a putea beneficia de tratament, suntem nevoiți să mergem la București, Cluj, Iași sau Târgu-Mureș sau la celelalte centre din țară. Și problemele noastre nu se opresc aici: de peste 1.700 de zile așteptăm să putem beneficia de noile medicamente care ar fi trebuit introduse deja în rețetele farmaceutice. Nu știm cum pare pentru alții, dar pentru noi este o situație disperată! Poate că cei care fac legile și toate listele nesfârșite de așteptare ar putea înțelege prin ce trecem doar dacă ar suferi de această boală!", a declarat Ion Dorian, președintele Asociației de Scleroză Multiplă Constanța. 

"Nu avem un sediu de ani de zile!" 

"Am avut momente când «biroul» meu era o servietă și un telefon. Doar așa puteam afla cine mai trăiește și cine nu, dintre colegii mei de suferință", spune Ion Dorian. Președintele asociației din 1992 spune că a uitat numărul scrisorilor adresate către autorități pentru a schimba situația, dar nu a uitat câți s-au pierdut din cauza bolii. "Ne-am întâlnit pe la tot felul de evenimente și am încercat să demarăm tot felul de campanii de conștientizare, însă este foarte greu să îți continui viața având o pensie de handicap de doar 30 de lei. Ba chiar sunt bolnavi care au fost trecuți de la gradul I la III de boală, pentru că au reușit să se angajeze. Nu avem un sediu de ani de zile!", mai spune acesta. 

Fără îngrijiri la domiciliu 

În condițiile în care un bolnav de scleroză multiplă are zile în care nici nu se poate ridica din pat, nu există nicio lege prin care să poată beneficia de îngrijire la domiciliu. "E ciudat și revoltător cum, numai anul trecut, au fost descoperite alte 200 de noi cazuri, însă nimeni nu face niciun efort pentru a îmbunătăți situația. Ca un barometru al bolii, ne aflăm pe locul 20 din 23 în Europa, în ce privește îngrijirile medicale. Ce să mai vorbim de îngrijiri la domiciliu! Nu ne rămâne decât să ne luptăm fiecare pentru ziua de mâine, de unii singuri!" 

Cel mai tânăr constănțean care suferă de scleroză multiplă are doar 23 de ani și este unul dintre cei care încearcă să își prelungească viața cu un tratament revoluționar pe care însă nu îl găsește la farmacie, ci îl achiziționează de la o asociație din Germania și care este încă la stadiul de studiu. 

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In this circumstance, there are insufficient data points (balls bowled) to reasonably predict the trajectory of an innings. A fairer approach would be to set a minimum number of overs before wickets lost are taken into consideration. For example, if that minimum number of overs in T20 were 5 overs (ie 25% of the innings completed), the wickets West Indies had lost in those 14 balls would be irrelevant. The target set would assume that no balls had been bowled. The West Indian target should then have been higher. After 5 overs, and only after 5 overs, the runs already scored and wickets already lost would be taken into account. A more suitable minimum number of overs might in fact be 8 or 10 overs. The alternative would be to increase the weighting in favour of the side batting first in these circumstances. 2 The spirit of cricket argument: Anybody who has played cricket at any level knows that it is much easier to score around ten runs an over for 6 overs than it is for 20 overs, especially when 10 wickets are available in both situations. It is wrong for Duckworth to suggest otherwise. toms outlet

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The shares ought to be attractive to other investors but, for the moment, it looks as though Mr Van de Walle's gadgetry and his directors' enthusiasm are providing only scant encouragement. George Clooney the Hollywood actor who has been endorsing in Europe Nestl's fastestgrowing brand, Nespresso did not show up at this week's grand opening in Paris of the Swiss multinational's lavish new coffee shop on the ChampsElyses. But Sharon Stone turned up instead to ensure maximum publicity for what, after all, has become Nestl's biggest marketing success story in recent years. Sales of Nespresso coffee machines and capsules have been growing during the past six years by an average of 30 per cent a year. Last year, they increased by 42 per cent to SFr1.16bn and are expected to hit the SFr2bn mark by 2009. The Swiss food group is planning a massive expansion of Nespresso boutiques round the world, targeting luxury shopping streets such as Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. The idea is to turn Nespresso into a luxury brand that can sit alongside a Louis Vuitton or Harry Winston store. Ray Ban 3386

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I am fairly neutral towards Estee Lauder. Using DCF analysis (data shown at the end), the implied growth rates of these KORS, RL, COH, and EL are estimated. I will use net revenue and income growth, comparable store sales, international exposure, return on invested capital, and fashion trends to determine which retailer is most attractive. The implied growth on EL is lower than those of RL and COH, despite the lower P/E, because free cashflow was used to calculate the implied growth rates. KORS, the most recent of its peers to IPO, has very high growth expectations. Sales increased 63% and 69% from 2011 to 2012 and 2012 to 2013 respectively. Gross margins increased from 59% in 2011 to 62% in 2013. Alongside, SG expenses, as a percentage of revenues, have decreased from 37.7% in 2010 to 28.5% in 2013, demonstrating that KORS has been able to effectively take advantage of economies of scale. RL, given its performance over the past few years, may find difficulties achieving the market's estimated implied growth rate. Sales increased 1.2% (2.9% without any adverse currency effects) in 2013. Kids Ray Bans

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Alcuni dei progettisti pi.Anchorage Cats Getting Eaten When a dog chases a cat and kills it, then that is natural. Why are these 'cat ladies' against dog owners? When they themselves are committing the same act as the dog owners? How many 'cat ladies' let their cats out of their houses? Do they not realize that cats are an introduced predator that kills because of its nature? They kill countless birds and animals, and occasionally bring them home to show the owner's, to the owner's gleeful chirpings of: "Oh, how cute." All cats must be kept inside so that the senseless killing of small wild animals and birds stops. If a cat gets killed by a dog, then that's natural. I say, have more dogs running free, that will stop the slaughter of innocent wild animals and birds. abercrombie mens Abercrombie Co. abercrombie womens It was a small waterfront shop and factory in New York City. Abercrombie and Fitch Hoodies His clientele consisted mostly of hunters and explorers. From the chic and modern Monogram Perfo to the classic Louis Vuitton Wallets, our fake Louis Vuitton Handbags are perfect imitations, indistinguishable from the real thing. Ray Ban Made In China

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to discern a single brand identity for the company. Lastly, in order to fasten the link between a tagline and brand identity, many taglines incorporate the brand name. Citibank's "Because the Citi never sleeps" and Finish Detergent's "Brilliant cleaning starts with Finish" are examples. However, some brands may purposefully choose to leave out their names so that their taglines or slogans don't impair future brand extensions. Whether they're called endlines, straplines, signatures or payoffs, taglines and slogans are an integral tool to building brand equity. The best lines go above and beyond their original purpose of pushing a product. They become a part of our everyday lingo, and lodge themselves into society's collective consciousness. In today's Twitterobsessed culture, these bitesized chunks of verbal branding are the perfect medium to express a brand's identity. "Just Do It" is one of the most famous and successful taglines in history. Succinct, inspirational and memorable, it helped propel Nike to its legendary status. New Ray Bans

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I've been seeing spots for the past few days. Ever since I decided to write about them they have appeared before my eyes big black ones on a breezy white chiffon shirt worn by one of our interns; little polka dots embedded in a velvet pencil skirt on a femme fataleish train passenger; jaunty white ones on a red scarf tied around the collar of a dapper old man at the bus stop. Spots, it seems, are integral to all of our wardrobes, always natty but, depending on size and colour, as loud or as discreet as we want them to be. A spot can be fun in a jolly, eccentric way, as Moschino, Paul Smith and Boden have all known for some time. Then there is the bold, cultish, pleasingly poncey spot, the Comme des Garons spot, much loved by graphic designers and architects, the understated status symbol of the thinking fashion follower. (To this day I remain annoyed that I never managed to get hold of one of those 2008 Comme des Garons for H spotted cardigans. To this day.) But this month spots have moved into the world of luxury. Clubmaster Ray Ban

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