12 companies voice interest in doing feasibility study for gas deposit in Romania

de Cuget Liber Joi, 24 Aprilie 2008 184
The task book for the feasibility study of the gas deposit in Roman-Margineni, Neamt County, developed by Romania’s state-owned gas company Romgaz, was purchased by 12 companies, Romgaz deputy GM, Lucian Stancu said. The companies which bought the task book will participate in the auction slated for May 6, 2008. Romgaz postponed the auction for this date following the request of some companies interested to take part. This is the second feasibility study for the project. The first was done before 2000. The study is estimated to last eight months. After the study is completed Romgaz will consider creating a consortium, a joint-venture or develop the deposit by itself, Stancu previously stated. The Russian giant Gazprom is one of the companies interested to build the gas deposit in partnership with Romgaz. NewsIn

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