Scandal sexual la CONSTANȚA / Fostul jandarm cercetat pentru proxenetism, pus în libertate

Scandal sexual la CONSTANȚA / Fostul jandarm cercetat pentru proxenetism, pus în libertate - unnamed1-1391238728.jpg

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Magistrații Curții de Apel Constanța au judecat, vineri, recursurile depuse de Claudiu Giorson Belecciu, Mioara Duțu, Mihai Narcis Negoiță, Lucian Borcea, Cristian George Chirimbu și Silviu Nicolae Peniu, arestați preventiv sub acuzația de constituirea unui grup infracțional și proxenetism. 

La finalul audierilor, judecătorii au decis să admită doar recursul fostului jandarm Silviu Nicolae Peniu, astfel că acesta a fost eliberat, fiind cercetat în libertate, dar cu interdicția de a părăsi Constanța în următoarele 30 de zile. Ceilalți suspecți vor rămâne după gratii. 

Reamintim că grupul mai sus menționat, alături de care mai este anchetată și profesoara de informatică Margareta Drăguț, este acuzat că ar fi desfășurat activități de proxenetism, la adăpostul unui salon de masaj. Profesoara de informatică este, de asemenea, anchetată în libertate, cu interdicția de a părăsi Constanța. 

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5 mai 2014

And Now Me And Mo'Nique's Hairy Legs In Essence While most Black women have completely embraced the notion of the razor, the Nair and other hair remover contraptions and concoctions, there have always been some Black women who didn't. And while the "mainstream" pretty much had their vote and decided no hair should go there, most of my life Black women who choose to stay hairy have been greeted with a shrug. Yeah, some people were grossed out, but most didn't care, knowing at least a friend or a member of their family who practically thought leg shaving was the devil's handiwork. Case in point: My parents. i think it's a worldly thing, if it wasn't so unaccepted by whites i think women would shave less, course i had a german teach who didn't shave. but up against white skin it looks kind of wild and animal like so i understand white women shaving. but most of the women at my church don't shave even with hose and all, i believe it's something we as a people embaced to feel accepted, and fit a worldy standard. legs. no biggy, i'm not shaving unless absolutely necessary and i look like a bear. more power to Monique. toms outlet

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